Best Quotes Elon Musk: Latest 2022 Update!

Elon Musk has lately been in the news because of the Tesla Model 3 presentation, which saw an absurdly high number of pre-sales that brought in billions of dollars in revenue in a very short period of time.

You should read this great compilation of wise words from Elon Musk.

For those who are still unsure of who Elon is, he was a co-founder of PayPal, and he currently serves as co-founder of Tesla, CEO of SpaceX, chairman of SolarCity, and co-founder of PayPal.

Musk invested all of the proceeds from the sale of PayPal into the other 3 businesses mentioned above. of it.

Inspirational Elon Musk Quotes

1. “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” – Elon Musk

2. “I do think there is a lot of potentials if you have a compelling product and people are willing to pay a premium for that. I think that is what Apple has shown. You can buy a much cheaper cell phone or laptop, but Apple’s product is so much better than the alternative, and people are willing to pay that premium.” – Elon Musk

3. “What makes innovative thinking happen?… I think it’s really a mindset. You have to decide.” – Elon Musk

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4. “A company is a group organized to create a product or service, and it is only as good as its people and how excited they are about creating. I do want to recognize a ton of super-talented people. I just happen to be the face of the companies.” – Elon Musk

5. “I’ve actually not read any books on time management.” – Elon Musk

6. “I would just question things… It would infuriate my parents… That I wouldn’t just believe them when they said something ’cause I’d ask them why. And then I’d consider whether that response made sense given everything else I knew.” – Elon Musk

7. “It’s OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket.” – Elon Musk

Best Quotes Elon Musk

8. “The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur.” – Elon Musk

9. “When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars, people said, ‘Nah, what’s wrong with a horse?’ That was a huge bet he made, and it worked.” – Elon Musk

10. “My biggest mistake is probably weighing too much on someone’s talent and not someone’s personality. I think it matters whether someone has a good heart.” – Elon Musk

11. “If something has to be designed and invented, and you have to figure out how to ensure that the value of the thing you create is greater than the cost of the inputs, then that is probably my core skill.” – Elon Musk

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12. “I say something, and then it usually happens. Maybe not on schedule, but it usually happens.” – Elon Musk

13. “I think the best way to attract venture capital is to try and come up with a demonstration of whatever product or service it is and ideally take that as far as you can. Just see if you can sell that to real customers and start generating some momentum. The further along you can get with that, the more likely you are to get funding.” – Elon Musk

14. Thanks For Sorting By New. Your Shift Is Over So Please Sort By Hot Now. – Elon Musk

Best Quotes Elon Musk

15. “As much as possible, avoid hiring MBAs. MBA programs don’t teach people how to create companies.” – Elon Musk

16. “People work better when they know what the goal is and why. It is important that people look forward to coming to work in the morning and enjoy working.” – Elon Musk

17. “I’m interested in things that change the world or that affect the future and wondrous, new technology where you see it, and you’re like, ‘Wow, how did that even happen? How is that possible?’” – Elon Musk

18. “It’s very important to like the people you work with, otherwise life [and] your job is gonna be quite miserable.” – Elon Musk

19. “There are really two things that have to occur in order for a new technology to be affordable to the mass market. One is you need economies of scale. The other is you need to iterate on the design. You need to go through a few versions.” – Elon Musk

20. “When somebody has a breakthrough innovation, it is rarely one little thing. Very rarely, is it one little thing. It’s usually a whole bunch of things that collectively amount to a huge innovation.” – Elon Musk

We appreciate you taking the time to go through this fantastic selection of wise words by Elon Musk. Don’t forget to share them with your friends on social media.

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