Kim Kardashian Reveals Her Fear of Facing Booing Following the Heated Tom Brady Roast

Kim Kardashian appears to have lost confidence as a result of the recent controversy surrounding Tom Brady’s roast, which was contentious for a variety of reasons and led to numerous issues in his personal life. The reality TV celebrity was booed loudly during the roast for no apparent reason, and it seemed like she took it personally.

Months after her unpleasant experience at the roast, she disclosed in a recent interview on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon that she is now afraid of being booed again.

Kim Kardashian Claims That Her “Biggest Fear” is Being Teased

Kim Kardashian recently made an appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, and she was pleased and thrilled to be greeted with such warmth.

She chuckled, saying, “This welcome is, like, so, so good! It’s my biggest fear in life to get booed.” Jimmy leaped right away to reassure her.

“Never! They adore you. Hurry up! We love you, we’re New York City,” he said to her.

She was invited to The Roast of Tom Brady back in May, and when Kevin Hart called her to the stage, she was so vehemently booed that she could barely speak.

After making every effort to quiet the throng, she and Kevin eventually succeeded in getting the Kardashians star through her performance.

She mentioned the dating rumors surrounding them and stated, “I wasn’t going to come tonight, but since I’m not here as Tom’s date, there’s still a good chance I might.”

“Concerning our relationship, I’m aware that there were some rumors, but I wouldn’t confirm it—I would just release the tape,” she continued.

She continued by saying that she could never date Tom and joked that he would always make her think of her ex-stepfather, Caitlyn Jenner.

I have a sneaking suspicion that you might want to undress me so you could try on my clothes. Though I realize it must have been rather difficult to leave the NFL, I believe my stepdad is a terrific role model for you.

One of the world’s best athletes, she has demonstrated that everything is possible in this new era. You can pursue careers as a pundit, far-right Republican, or even as a self-assured, strong woman.

Reasons Kim Kardashian Faced Boos at the Roast

Kim Kardashian

When Kim Kardashian was jeered during the roast, many were confused, primarily since she had not responded to the jeers beforehand. It made more sense if they had responded to a poorly timed joke, but as it was, it felt mysterious.

Another person present, Nikki Glaser, provided some clarification on the matter. Although she was aware of the allegation that Taylor Swift’s supporters attempted to cancel her show because of their well-known dispute, she insisted that it was untrue.

Nikki stated she “ran into someone” the day after the roast, without giving names, and that person was accompanied by a “wild guy who’s a comedian” with a reputation for “starting s***.”

I can’t recall who it was. It seems that he initiated the boo merely as a joke. He’s not connected to the Swifties; he simply may have had too many drinks or whatever. He simply had the urge to boo the air.

Thus, this is the response. A drunken comedian who now probably regrets thinking it would be funny to rile up the audience.


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